Wednesday 7 March 2012

7th March 2012 – Homeward Bound

7 March 2012 – Homeward Bound

Waking to more rain and forecasts of lots more to come across Southern Victoria and NSW, we contemplated whether or not to continue through Gippsland to the Southern NSW Coast. Roads into some of our preferred destinations were closed due to floods, and having driven for a couple of hours we decided to cut our losses and head north up the Alpine Way towards the farm.

The weather was brutal and the roads even worse. We ended up on a dirt road for about 100km and it must have given the Kluger a better work out than it had had for the entire trip to date. The further we drove, the more convinced we were to get back to dry ground, or at least a dry roof for a few weeks.

Due to recent rains Braidwood was amazingly green, and we were lucky to make it onto our property with the creek being very close to overflow. Richard next door warned us to bring enough food for a few days, as, if the rain continued, we would be stranded there for a bit. We didn’t care, it was bliss to be home and have a dry roof over our heads, washing machines, and running water…..ahh….

We were so thrilled to return to the farm. Em was thrilled with the “comfy sofa”, both kids thought all their Christmas’s had come at once, and I was thrilled to have indoor space, comfort, my great bed and the toilet back in comfortable walking distance. Hurrah!!!

It took a few days before we could pull the tent out to dry it, as the rain continued, and the weather was generally miserable, but alas, we are now starting to focus on Queensland

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