Thursday 29 December 2011

Boxes, Boxes and Bike Racks

The packing is well and truly underway, despite best efforts by the kids to keep us off track. After 4 days of packing, and obsessing about rubbish disposal, we are finally making headway.

Em and Lachie are having a ball

....but poor Lachie does not seem to really understand what is going on. He does realise "Thomas  is gone" and this is rather tragic, but he is soldiering on.

Kitchen is packed so hello takeaways for the next few days. Meanwhile we are testing the camping wine glasses and somewhat concerned they don't hold enough wine - still I guess we can always refill.

Nick did a trial run with our new Thule bike rack today. Reported to carry 4 bikes, we can barely fit 3, so looks like the roof racks may have to stay if we are to get 5 bikes on board. I guess this is a wake up call to the need for a trial pack before the big day.....we may need another big cull.

I am becoming obsessed with rubbish disposal. Big problem, too much rubbish, and the bin just ain't big enough. I am hopeful I will not be arrested for unlawful disposal of rubbish before we leave town.....

Em's princess dresses all packed up and gooone, but she is not letting go of those high heels yet - I just can't wait to kiss them goodbye!

5 sleeps to go.....yay!!!

Sunday 25 December 2011

Santa comes to town

Well the packing in on hold for a few days while we enjoy some festive time, catch up with the Foster Clan and watch the kiddies get spoilt rotten. Thank goodness we get a rain-free day at last, and some use of the pool before we bid it farewell.

Being Xmas, the goodies were attacked early on, with candy cane and freddos kick starting the sugar loading for the kiddies  - just what we need.

The long awaited balance bikes arrived safely, tho it was looking dodgy for a while as Santa slaved over assembling them on Xmas Eve. No more good behaviour bribes now - sigh!

Em loved the bike and particularly the barbie helmet and bell - I thought she would be bored after 5 mins, but she had a great time. The bike is a little big for her still, but hopefully those legs will grown just a little more quickly to get her up and running by herself.

Lachie on the other hand preferred to push his and spin the wheels. He refused the helmet - too worried he might look dumb! He did get into it after a little, particularly when the visitors showed up and he could show off.

A great day was had with the cousins. No sleep, lots of sugar, more presents to unwrap than you could shake a stick at and hey presto 4 very excited little kiddies.

Lachie was a little left out with all the girlies, but he had a ball none the less. He just didn't want to pose with the chicks - too cool for all that! Run Lachie run.....and so he did!

Now just got to work out how we fit all their new pressies in the car, and what we have to leave behind. The packing recommences in the morning with 9 days til departure - yay!!!

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Back from the farm

Arrived back from the farm early this afternoon. I am busier with this 'holiday/career break' thing than I was in the office! (No doubt I wont get much sympathy from those of you still having to put up with the office). Managed to get the place set up ready for our arrival in mid 2012 post camper trailer tour.

I downloaded the Jackie French book 'Diary of a Wombat'!, part of the SMH 7 Days of Christmas free iBook series. Anyone who has ever had to put up with wombats living in close proximity to one's place of residence would realise that in practice they are not the cute and cuddly creatures depicted in children's books. A local wombat has decided to try and build a new burrow under one of our water tanks at the farm. Not ideal to have a huge tunnel dug under 15 or so tonnes of water, I am a little concerned whether the tank will still be standing next year. Here's hoping that a large dose of commercial pest deterrent product does what it says on the packet.

Monday 19 December 2011

Let the Packing Begin

Today Nick and Rod took the off to the farm to relocate stuff, and left me home alone with the little terrors to get the packing underway. Many jobs and (only)one box packed later ....I realised there was a good reason for my restless night last night - its going to be hard work to get on the road.

That said, there is always time to catch up with friends, and a fabulous afternoon was had at Sarah O's house, where she gave us the book "Are we there yet?" by Alison Lester to entertain the kids en route. This has inspired the title for the blog - and I am pretty sure we will hear it a couple of times along the way from Em and Lachie.

With Nick away and the kids on an absolute sugar high after the party this arvo at Sarah's, my head is throbbing. (Nothing a glass of wine can't fix) The kids went a little crazy after dinner and having been threatened with "Santa will not come" todays photo post is Em calling Santa to ask for forgiveness for her horrid behaviour. 

Needless to say the book was not read, and the kids went to bed a little cross, but hey, tomorrow is another day.

So the question is - Will Santa visit????  Better come back to see later in the week.

Sunday 18 December 2011

The Concept

Simple Concept: Travel around Oz

The Problems:
- Two Toddlers: Emily - 3.5 and Lachlan - just 2;
- Work: GFC Take 2, perhaps not the best time to travel?
- Mortgage: Must be paid
- Summer: It could be a hot one!

The Solutions:
- Two Toddlers: Still working on this one
- Work: Career Break, yay, so Nick off for 9 months
- Mortgage: House rented
- Weather: Follow the Sun, but do not roast, looking very grey to date.

The Trusty Steed:
- Our Kluger car and the newly purchased Customline Camper Trailer

- Plan to leave Sydney 2nd/3rd January 2012 for 6 months

- West to Adelaide, via Dubbo, Broken Hill, lots of small towns, deserted roads, blue sky, red dirt and hopefully some wine country to arrive in Adelaide for the Tour Down Under 2012. From there if the weather is cold we will head north, if hot we head south. Simple.

Along the way we hope to take lots of happy snaps to remind us and particularly the kids of their journey, and will record the tales of tots as we go.

They are currently flying high at the idea, well Em is at least, Lachie still doesn't quite "get it". The best part for Em is that she has finished school, and unfortunately for her she doesn't realise she has a long way to go.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Once upon a time..... a far flung corner of Sydney there lived a beautiful Princess who dreamt of growing up to meet her knight in shining armour and get to wear a princess dress every day for the rest of here life. Meet Emily

....and in the room next door lived her little brother Lachie who hit the terrible two's at about 14 months and has just turned 2 so help us God. Meet Lachie

....and having a nice glass of sauv blanc to calm their splitting headaches were Nick and myself.

One day I decided to break the bad news to Nick that I would seek out a job, a real job, not just this motherhood stuff, and I would bring home some hard cash. Either that or, he was to quit his job and we go travelling.

It was a very tough decision, but, we are now a family out of work, and about to embark on a wonderful adventure.

Well, having given some consideration to how to diarise "the big trip", I decided to crank up the laptop and get motoring before we leave town. It may help to have at least selected where to start.