Monday 19 December 2011

Let the Packing Begin

Today Nick and Rod took the off to the farm to relocate stuff, and left me home alone with the little terrors to get the packing underway. Many jobs and (only)one box packed later ....I realised there was a good reason for my restless night last night - its going to be hard work to get on the road.

That said, there is always time to catch up with friends, and a fabulous afternoon was had at Sarah O's house, where she gave us the book "Are we there yet?" by Alison Lester to entertain the kids en route. This has inspired the title for the blog - and I am pretty sure we will hear it a couple of times along the way from Em and Lachie.

With Nick away and the kids on an absolute sugar high after the party this arvo at Sarah's, my head is throbbing. (Nothing a glass of wine can't fix) The kids went a little crazy after dinner and having been threatened with "Santa will not come" todays photo post is Em calling Santa to ask for forgiveness for her horrid behaviour. 

Needless to say the book was not read, and the kids went to bed a little cross, but hey, tomorrow is another day.

So the question is - Will Santa visit????  Better come back to see later in the week.

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