Sunday 25 December 2011

Santa comes to town

Well the packing in on hold for a few days while we enjoy some festive time, catch up with the Foster Clan and watch the kiddies get spoilt rotten. Thank goodness we get a rain-free day at last, and some use of the pool before we bid it farewell.

Being Xmas, the goodies were attacked early on, with candy cane and freddos kick starting the sugar loading for the kiddies  - just what we need.

The long awaited balance bikes arrived safely, tho it was looking dodgy for a while as Santa slaved over assembling them on Xmas Eve. No more good behaviour bribes now - sigh!

Em loved the bike and particularly the barbie helmet and bell - I thought she would be bored after 5 mins, but she had a great time. The bike is a little big for her still, but hopefully those legs will grown just a little more quickly to get her up and running by herself.

Lachie on the other hand preferred to push his and spin the wheels. He refused the helmet - too worried he might look dumb! He did get into it after a little, particularly when the visitors showed up and he could show off.

A great day was had with the cousins. No sleep, lots of sugar, more presents to unwrap than you could shake a stick at and hey presto 4 very excited little kiddies.

Lachie was a little left out with all the girlies, but he had a ball none the less. He just didn't want to pose with the chicks - too cool for all that! Run Lachie run.....and so he did!

Now just got to work out how we fit all their new pressies in the car, and what we have to leave behind. The packing recommences in the morning with 9 days til departure - yay!!!

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