Friday 11 May 2012

11 May 2012 - Tambo Teddies and on to the Bilbies

After starting the day with a not-so-inspiring run we packed up and stopped off to visit the home of the Tamba Teddies before leaving town. With price tags of approx.. $90 for a small one, we didn’t purchase any additional travellers for the homeward run of our trip.

Without much on the road between the two towns we drove through, listening to kiddie music (as we do best) al the way. Having had a look at a few camping options, we decided to stay out of town, and chose to try out a “Station Stay” as our campsite for our few days here.  The station – Thurlo - is a 33,000 acre cattle station about 8km outside of town. As per usual, the bad behavior and screaming started as we turned in the gate of the park, and the peace of this beautiful spot was broken – not to return until we leave.

The campsite were fab and I loved their description of the sites as “marriage friendly”. How true I thought as I am not sure how many “disputes” we have had about where/how/which direction to park the damn camper on arrival at campsites. My idea is just “whack it in, get it up and don’t worry about the detail”, Nick takes the more “considered approach” and likes to think about it and get it right before we start. Anyway, not much to dispute here, it was easy.

Whilst there was an Aboriginal visiting the campsite to give a talk, show some of his art work and play a little didgeridoo in the arvo, we chose to head for town and give the kids 40winks en route. With the Bilby Experience that night we knew tired kids would be a disaster.

The campsite runs a campfire and happy hour every evening, but we skipped this too to head to hear about “Save the Bilby” campaign. We had a very interesting talk by National Parks and Wildlife and then went to see the 3 little critters (Mom, Day and Baby Baza) they had secured “out back”. Em was just fascinated with feral cats after seeing a photo of a dissection of a feral cats stomach which showed 2 bilbies, numerous mice and other wee creatures, all consumed in one night. The cat weighed in at 8kilos. I think this just may be her new obsession and true to form that’s all she talked about for the rest of the night.

Anyway, it was an incredibly inspiring evening about the difference a few people with passion can make, and left us questioning yet again why the hell we are returning to Sydney to sit in an office and make very little difference to the world other than lined some fat cats pocket. Hmm.

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