Thursday 3 May 2012

3 May 2012 - Porcupine Gorge to Richmond

I got up early to go for a run and when I got back we started our packing routine again. We were on the road by around 8.30 am with a plan of heading to Richmond.

En-route we decided we would visit Kronosaurus Korner, the dinosaur and fossil museum in Richmond but then head straight through to Winton, the main town on the dinosaur trail. Kronsourus Korner was excellent and very informative. During the time of the dinosaurs, a large inland sea, the Eromanka Sea, covered much of inland QLD. Richmond was part of the sea floor at that time and the sea was ruled by Kronosaurus, a large flesh eating reptile. Kronosaurus makes crocodiles and great white sharks appear tiny by comparison.

After an hour or so at the museum, we headed out to the fossil hunting area west of town. This is an area set aside for people to fossick around for fossils. It was incredible, every rock we picked up had at least a fossilised shell contained inside. The rocks were very delicate and had to be handled very carefully. We found one or two fish teeth and jawbones but it was difficult to keep then intact. After a good fossick around, it was time to head off to Winton.

We found out that the Richmond Fossil Fest was in town over the weekend, a series of events and activities, celebrating Richmond's part in the Dinosaur Trail. On our way out of town we found that the Richmond to Winton road was shut due to recent rain. This forced our hand as we would have to back track 115km to Hughenden and down to Winton from there. We booked into the caravan park at Richmond and decided to check out some of the fossil Fest activities.

On our arrival, Em and Lachie stumbled across 3 kiddies from a nice Townsville family who were in town for Fossil Fest. The kids got one well and it was great for Em and Lachie to have some friends again.

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