Sunday 12 February 2012

12 February 2012 - Back to civilization, or Killarney Beach at least

A slow start to the day with rain, drizzle and the thought of packing up camp not really doing it for me. The kids were up early tho, and Lachie shouting "I want to go out!" from about 7am was too much to bear. We put on his wellies, tracky dacks, cycling helmet and released him to the forces.....sigh.

Em and Lachie collected millions more centipedes as we packed up, and on packing Nick found a pretty huge huntsman on the annex, and a mouse had burrowed under out tent, though the ground sheet (not our tent thank crap) and set up nest for the 2 nights we were here. He scampered pretty quick when the tent came down.

We headed to Cape Bridgewater en route to Port Fairy, and it was well worth the journey. We visited the Blow Holes and the Petrified Forest, and spotted a few of the fur seal colony swimming though the surf. The kids had a ball clambering on anything we told they not to touch as per usual. The scenery was stunning and thankfully we even got some sun. We had lunch at the beach in Cape Bridgewater as the Nippers - wearing full wetsuits - took to the freezing water. Good on them, we were happy to sit back and watch!

We skipped Port Fairy and headed about 10km out of town to a little spot called Killarney Beach. This had been recommended and though small and basic, the park for the kiddies is safe and they have plenty of space to ride their bikes. The downside.....well there is a "baby swing" and with Lachie's obsession we may well find ourselves spending a little time pushing him. Anyway, with an Irish flag flying as we turned onto Mulcahy's Rd which took us to the camp site I reckoned it couldn't be all bad.

Having set up camp we headed back to Port Fairy for fish and chips by East Beach and it was $%^ freezing. Here's hoping the sun comes out tomorrow as predicted.

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