Thursday 9 February 2012

9 February 2012 - Chillax and Mounting Biking at Halls Gap

I kicked off the day with a mountain bike ride around the firetrails of Halls Gap. The plan had been to go to the Pyrennes but despite a lot of googling last night we were none the wiser on the tracks available there.  Whilst a pretty mellow ride, it was great to see so many kangaroos, wallabies and even a fox enjoying the morning as well as me.

A lazy day followed, though Nick did a similar ride to ensure we all deserved a visit to the ice-cream shop in the afternoon. Lachie and Em are now “living” on their bikes at the camp site which is fab, and finally not shouting to be pushed, shoved or aided in other ways.

Town is filling up with the Jazz lovers of the world in preparation for the Jazz Festival which starts tomorrow. I was sad to discover this bears no resemblance to my beloved Cork Guinness Jazz Festivals of old -  the groupies are the grey nomads and I think we have the only kids left in town.

We packed up for an early start out of town to try and get the stereo fixed in the car before we head back to the coast. If the kids do not get their kiddie music back they may well drive us insane! With rain predicted for the weekend, camping could be interesting.

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