Friday 13 April 2012

13 April 2012 - 1770

This morning we headed down to the beach along an 800m track from the camp site. The beach was very wild and exposed so we stuck to building sand castles.

Later in the morning we headed down to the town of 1770, so named after a visit from Captain Cook during his first tour of the South Pacific. Apparently he was observed by the local aborigines during his time on land but he did not see them. They commented later that the tall leader, Cook, seemed very knowledgable as he was looking at edible plants such as figs and bush plum trees. They were less impressed that the smaller leader, Joseph Banks,  who was looking at all sorts of plants that were useless for food or medicine. This is quite ironic given that Banks was the expedition's botanist!

In the afternoon we tried a bit of fishing but were rained out so went for a beer at the pub and home for dinner. A bit of excitement followed in the evening when a bird flew into the annex of the tent and had to be chased out.

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