Saturday 14 April 2012

14 April 2012 - No Fish in 1770

We woke to pouring rain and grey skies and deciding not to let the weather get to us, put on our swimmers, grabbed the fishing gear and headed to the beach. We checked out the beaches at Agnes Waters, but both were a little wild and more surf beaches, so we returned to 1770 and headed for the beach across the road from the beach.

The kids were more interested in crabs and rocks so Nick got some peace and quiet to go fishing. We succeeded in finding some crabs and a yabbie so the kids were thrilled, but unfortunately the rocks on the beach were covered in old oyster shells and treaturous. Having had both kids cut on them I decided to retreat to the sand, so Lachie did some fishing with Nick, while Em watched the huge sand crabs run down the beach and run for cover when she chased them screaming.

“Quiet Time” was again a nightmare and eventually we gave up and decided to head off to walk out to Bustard Head. We headed complete with bottle of wine and glasses so that if it was a fab spot we could chill out and wait for the sunset. As it turned out there was a wedding at the point and the wedding party had commandeered the viewing platform for the wedding. Sigh. Anyway, we popped out and were surprised that it wasn’t the best view in the world and infact the wedding party were welcome to it. We settled for our glass of wine on the way back while the kids ran amuck collecting stones and seed pods – a new fixation of theirs.

The sunset was stunning but we missed it as we headed back for an early dinner with the kids. They were cream-crackered and we needed peace. But alas the peace was not to be had as a group of backpackers moved into the nearby camp kitchen and proceeded to make ridiculous amounts of noise. Nick rudely evicted them at 10pm – God, we are indeed getting old!

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