Tuesday 17 April 2012

17 April 2012 - Onto Mt Morgan

We contemplated staying on another day in Cania Gorge as the place was so nice but instead decided to keep moving onto Mt Morgan.

Mt Morgan is an old gold and copper mine. There are also dinosaur footprints that can be seen in the old clay pits, dug to make bricks for the coal mine. We had left Cania Gorge quite early, so we tried to get onto an afternoon tour of the mine. The afternoon tours were not running and we also found out that the old clay pits were closed due to rain damage. This was a disappointing find but we decided to stay in Mt Morgan for the night and do the tour the next day, as we had heard good reports about it.

We set up camp next door to a couple from Melbourne, Julian and Susie who are on a '12-24 month' trek around Australia with their kids Amber and Zara. Em and Lachie finally had someone to play with so they had a great evening together and late to bed. Julian had some tour guide work lined up but was also on the hunt for gold with his detector, gold pans and sieves. They did not seem in too much of a rush to get around Oz!

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