Saturday 7 April 2012

5 - 7 April - Murgon with Rod and Christine

Finally the day the kids had awaited with such anticipation arrived. Since we left Smiths Lake all they wanted was to get to Granddad and Christines, and they were so disappointed with our stops at South West Rocks and Byron along the way. Finally we were here!

I hadn't realised until on the road there that Christine had other friends staying over Easter also, otherwise we would have rescheduled, but as it turned out it worked perfectly as we got to stay in the house with Christine and Rod again. We will have to book early for next year at the "guest house".

The kids were absolutely ecstatic to see the rocking horse in the living room. Christine had purchased an amazing wooden horse which was to provide hours of enjoyment, and just a few fights over the coming days. It was named Sherry Loveheart after the horse at the farm. This proved to be only the first in a series of surprises for them. Em got a beautiful new pink princess dress complete with tiara and earrings - she was over the moon, and Lachie got a truck which I think is up there with the best presents ever - he is hooked. Lots more treats followed but these were the favs by far!

Luckily Christines friends did not arrive on the 5th, so we got lots of attention and the kids were thrilled. They love collecting the eggs from the chooks, playing with Tex and Henry, feeding the guinea pigs and the best of all was the cane toad hunt at night where Grandad slayed (with a knife, or life as Lachie calls it) any toads found on the property. We are hoping there are a few green frogs left and they haven't all be scared off by the over enthusiatic kids.

Emily, mentally scared from the tractors rides last year (or lack thereof as Lachie refused to give up the tractor) was first in line this year and thrilled to let Lachie watch her drive about from the ground. He got his shot eventually, and Em was delighted to get to ride the mower with Grandad too. I was totally dissed for him, but should be thrilled with this.

Christines friends Ian and Rosalind arrived the next morning and the feasting continued. After being spoilt with a fabulous roast on night one, we had a delicious bbq on night 2..... Great to be fed like the royalty we are not. Poor Christine didn't get much rest, but hey, we all had a ball.

Nick managed a few runs and a ride or 2, I was a little less enthusiastic and only managed one ride. The scenery around Murgon is just so beautiful at the moment after all the rain, but fine dining did not bide well for keeping fit.

We had a wonderful afternoon at the Dam where we enjoyed a lovely lunch and headed to the Dusty Hill vineyard for a great burger. We were not to relax for long as Lachie fell in the dam while trying to reach some little fish, and I had to jump in after him - waist deep. Not a particularly good look, but I am sure it provided entertainment for those enjoying their lunch or tasting wine. Lachie was a little traumatised and it was a wake up call as to just how quickly these things happen. All ended well, so lessons learnt - though I am not convinced he wont do this again.

We enjoyed seeing the full moon rise and a fine wine at "the guest house" and then returned for a relaxing evening at Rod and Christines. I think by now we have all eaten about as much as we can....but then with Easter on the way, why stop now.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! We were so excited when the day of your arrival came. It was SO WONDERFUL having you with us and watching Emily and Lachlan having so much fun! Never a boring minute! Thank you for visiting and giving us so much pleasure. XXXXXXX
