Monday 16 April 2012

16 April 2012 - Around Cania Gorge

First item on the list today was to fry the eggs Em and Lachie collected the previous afternoon and eat them up for breakfast - yum, yum.

We then set off for a bushwalk. With some advice from the people at the campsite, we headed off to see 'Dripping Rock' and 'The Overhang' in the national park. The walk was only 3.2km return but at the limit for the kiddies, particularly as it was quite steep in some parts. The walk took us through some temperate rainforest and we had fun spotting butterflies, centipedes and lizards. Lachie was a champ and walked almost the whole way, only requiring carrying up a couple of steep sections.

After the walk, we headed off to visit Cania Dam, at the head of the gorge. We went to the lookout and then down to look at the spillway. Water had been flowing over the spillway until very recently, for the first time in the dams history. On the way to the spillway we spotted a tortoise heading off for a stroll and this kept us amused for a bit.

In the afternoon we headed back and stayed around the camp site. The park was one of the better places we have stayed, lovely grounds surrounded by cliffs. At 4 pm, they feed the local birds, dominated by lorikeets, and this was great fun. Every evening there is a camp fire, so we wrapped our potatoes in foil and roasted them on the coals for a change.

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