Friday 20 April 2012

20 April 2012 - A Visit to Coorona Crocodile Farm

After a morning of avoiding mossie bites  as the kids cycled the park and I called childcare centres, we packed up and headed to the local crocodile farm Coorona to meet some salt water beasts. The jury was out on what to expect, but it was a great day.

After a short talk on the history of the park and hearing about what they do, we got to see a baby crocodile egg hatch. They brought the egg to the table Em and Lachie were at so they had a birds eye view, but my camera went on strike (very frustratingly) and with Lachie squirming excitedly on my lap I managed zero photos of the “birth”. The little hatchling came out feisty as anything with such sharp teeth – easy to see why these guys are kings of the waterways. The kids were in absolute awe of its teeth and got to hold bits of the egg.

We went on a tour of the farm to see some of the big boys of the croc world and got to see a few of the big boys of the croc farm. The kids loved this again, and man would you want to supervise the kids or they could just lose a few fingers, or an arm – if lucky!

We then got to hold a little crocodile. They called the kids up early for “a shot”, and while both were nervous and shy with all the people they were proud as punch to hold the little critters.

Having failed to get the kids to sleep after their morning out, we headed to Emu Park to check out the monument the “Singing Sail”. A tribute to Cook, this is supposed to sing in the wind – well we were a smidgen disappointed as it failed to deliver any sound.

A shopping trip to get new sandals for Lachie nearly drove us over the edge as he lay on the floor in the shop screaming like someone totally demented. New shoes, change, that boy has issues. We bought them anyway having only managed to get one on his feet and ran from the store before we were barred.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon at the pool at the campground which was beautiful, but where the mossies came out to bite it was time to pack up and run for cover and call it a day.

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