Monday 23 April 2012

23 April 2012 - Cape to Cape

While we had considered staying on another day in Cape Patterson, with too much still to see before we head inland we packed our bags and headed inland. The debris from the night before (dead crickets) were evident all around the slab with lots of feasting ants to keep the kids entertained.

We headed to Cape Hillsborough and what a wonderful part of the world it is. The campsite itself was about 5 metres from the short walkway to the beach and had this been Sydney would have been sold as “uninterrupted harbour views”. As it was we could see the water, but a few trees blocked our view – had this not been National park they would indeed have been chain-sawed to the ground.

The kids collected a few coconuts as we set up camp, and then it was Nicks turn to treat us all to some coconut, fresh from the trees. It was quite an effort to get to the milk and the kids were not at all impressed. Then for the flesh and it was spat out pretty quick. Nick reckoned it was a dud and said he would try later to get us “a good ‘un”.

Nick took the kids off to check out a campsite at a nearby National Park and I got a bit of peace of and quiet thank crap. On their return we checked out the pool – which had a mushroom and caterpillar water feature in a lagoon style pool and they were delira.  Lachie is really getting into his swimming and jumping from the edge and for once demands Daddy and Daddy lets him submerged for longer – Cool!!

While there were kangaroos hanging about the campsite, we heard that they frequented the beach around sunrise and sunset someimtes, so we went to the beach to look for kangaroos before sunset but settled for crabs and sand dollars, and then enjoyed a bbq dinner. After dinner the possums visited our tent and prowled around boldly looking for food – everything was getting locked up tight for sure.

An early night for all as we planned to get up at sunrise to see if the kangaroos were at the beach or the soldier crabs out. Lets hope!

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