Saturday 21 April 2012

21 April 2012 - Great Kepple Island - A visit to the Reef

We were up bright an early to pack our bags and head for the ferry to Great Kepple Island. Em and Lachie were hyper at the thought of a boat trip and not only that but a “glass bottom” boat trip. Heaven.

After having what must be one of the worlds worst coffees at the ferry terminal, we headed off to the Island. It was sweltering early and thankfully we got shaded seats on the boat. We had morning tea on board before the ferry landed “on the beach” and we hopped off and onto the boat for our glass bottom trip.

The glass bottom cruise lasted an hour and took us out to see the coral reef at a nearby island, along with some fish, turtles and other sea creatures. Em and Lachie as always were not too patient, and were demanding fish as soon as we were on the boat – it took some time to find them. When they did make an appearance the kids were chuffed and we were somewhat relieved as they had started asking when could they get off the boat and go to the beach. The cruise was interesting enough, but I had expected we would see lots more coloured critters of the sea, but it was not meant to be.

We were dropped off back at the beach, and once we found a few coconut trees to shelter under we headed for a swim. The water was pure bliss, absolute heaven. Nick headed off for a snorkel and left us to it.

Nick came back a while later having spotted a few sting rays, turtles and other fish and feeling sea sick. So now my turn, But with thoughts of Steve Irwin being struck through the heart by a sting ray I panicked snorkeling over rocks when I thought I saw one and headed for shore.

After another swim it was off to the pub for an icecream and a beer - $8 for a Coopers Pale Ale! And off for another quick dip as the kids ran down the beach towards our awaiting ferry. What a fabulous day and we couldn’t believe it went so fast and the kids survived the 9:15 – 4:30 outting. Em did crash out on the boat, Lachie didn’t, afraid as always that he would miss something.

Thankfully when we got back the Lion King was enough to entertain the kids so we had a little quiet time before dinner and bed.

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