Saturday 14 January 2012

14th January 2012 - Boat Rides and Bee Stings

We got a sleep in until 8am today – this is an absolute record. The peace of Copi Hollow obviously suited all well.

After a quick visit to the Main Weir – overrun by fishermen/women and dead carp all over the banks, and then a trip to visit Burke and Wills camp where his team camped for 12 months as the boys went off in search of the Gulf of Capentaria then it was onward for a boat trip on the Darling.

Malcolm our host and Tinker his dog entertained us on a very tranquil ride down the Darling. He was full of stories, but interestingly said not a lot is known of the history of the great river. The kids had a ball and managed to stay on board for the duration – just about.

As is becoming the norm, the kids slept for 5 mins in the car and then thought it was time to party again, so after trying, trying, trying again and admitting defeat, I took them off for a drive to knock them out and give us some peace. Of course I gave them the opportunity to run themselves into the ground before they finally passed out. Nick took advantage of the break to get out on the bike for an hour and check out the local dirt roads in the Lynskey. 

The evening took us to Sunset Strip after icecream to watch the sun set over Lake Menindee. Of course never without drama Lachie picked up a bee while we were collecting lady bettles, got stung and went bananas. Thanks to Westmead hospital for their allergy testing, we were not off to the Flying Doctors, but rather homeward to Copi Hollow for a Barbie bandaid which Dr Emily administered and combined with smarties seemed to do the trick. Though his thumb was a little swollen, we all survived to tell the tale.  I would like to think he has learnt his lesson but I doubt it.

For Em, Menindee Lakes was lady beetle heaven – she caught so many and was so thrilled, but set them free before we left.

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