Tuesday 24 January 2012

24th January 2012 - Clare Valley to Yorke Pennisula - a day in the car

Our week in Adelaide has come to an end and today was pack up day. We managed the feat in approx. 2.5 hours, and this included breakfast, and crazy kids, so looks like we are getting the swing of this camping lark. Nick was chuffed to “beat” the family next door in packing as we drove out of the campsite.

So farewell for now Adelaide, and another crap coffee to finish on a bit of a low. But not to worry, Clare Valley here we come…..

Unfortunately by the time we hit the Clare Valley, Em and Lachie had driven us sufficiently mad to put us off our wine tasting. Why is wine tasting alone so crap? Anyway, we decided since we were here we would try a few vineyards, so off we went to Sevenhill. Nick did the first tasting and left me in the car with the crazies with sweltering heat. And an hour – no joke, a full hour later, he returns content with the fabulous time he was shown. This extended to a tour of their vineyard, hand dug by the Jesuits in 1851. This was the first vineyard in the valley, so Nick felt it only right to treat it with respect. Hmm….

My turn to try a few wines and we headed to Pikes. I have had their wines before, so was more than happy to get stuck into a few of their whites. Yum! And boy did it help numb the noise from the kids.

Onward to the Yorke Penninsula, but not before sidetracking very slightly to “visit” Snowtown. Not very tasteful I guess, but having seen the movie, I was intrigued as to what this place would be like. Nice quiet little town, not too many people about, and a few “for sale” signs. Hmm….moving swiftly on.

We hit the town of Moonta and headed straight to the coast to check out the beach and home of Nick’s friend Judith who was kindly putting us up for a few days. What absolute bliss, a room for each of the kids, air con and the most perfect house, minutes from the beach. The only downside being everything is new and brand spanking clean and therefore likely to be destroyed by Em and Lachie in the few days before we leave.

We even got to see TV tonight, the first night since leaving Sydney, and interestingly enough it is still pretty much as crap as it was 3 weeks ago, only the regional SA ads are probably worse.

Here’s to a few days and night of R&R and wishing for a sleep in tomorrow.

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