Friday 6 January 2012

6 January 2012 - Dubbo Zoo with Dora

Not sure who was more excited about the trip to Dubbo Zoo, but I think a great day was had by all.

To begin with our tent has thankfully withstood the savage storms of last night pretty well. Bar a few water pockets on the roof, we came through unscathed.  I wish we could say the same for the packing for the zoo, but man have we got to get more organised. Getting 2 kids, 2 bikes and food, swimmers etc for the day together took rather a long time to say the least, but we still made the zoo, a little frazzled before 9am.

We hired a bike for Nick with a kiddie trailer so his beloved Lynskey was left on the car. And the kids were over the moon with the trailer, despite Lachie really wanting a car. We were relieved afterwards we took the bike option as you can see so much more and the kids can view the animals without having to get out each time.

Nick has sworn to burn Em's tutu. It is the closest thing she has to a princess dress now we are travelling, and it nearly did his nut today getting the seatbelt on her in the trailer. Here's counting how many days til Em comes crashing down to earth and starts wearing shorts! Nick has a tough battle on his hands - good luck to him. Fare thee well pink tutu.

The big hits were Ollie the Otter, and Dora the Rhino, though that said, Lachie loved the baby koala. Both Em and Lachie are dying for a cuddle of a koala, so no doubt we will have to find one on our travels, but today was not the day.

Em has taken to bossing poor Lachie big time - not sure where she gets this from.....I guess her Daddy! Anyway, I like this shot of the ostriches as it reminded me of Em bending Lachie's ear as she does so well!

We will head back to the Zoo tomorrow to finish off the trail and see the few animals we missed today. Think we'll opt for the lazy-mans option tomorrow and drive.

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