Saturday 7 January 2012

7 January 2012 - Back to the zoo

Back to the zoo for day 2 of our pass. A minor accident threatened to ruin the day with Lachie believing his playground capabilities to be far in excess of his age and falling from a 6 foot drop while trying to get onto a swing bridge. Whilst he landed head first, the playground was covered in sand, no doubt strategically placed for similar eventualities. A trip to the first aid station and a clean up was all that was required although he did become a minor celebrity around Dubbo zoo with most of the morning crowd queuing for tickets seeing the blood streaked toddler being rushed up to first aid. A guy commented to me at the campsite later in the day 'were you the people at the zoo this morning?' when he noticed Lachie's now egg shaped forehead and associated battle scares.
We managed to make it in time for the morning feeding of the giraffes and this, combined with a sympathy icy pole, sorted Lachie out. It did take most of the day before he was back to his normal self.

We also took in the feeding of the hippos and the Galapagos tortoises before heading for our picnic lunch. With Lachie asleep and Clare and Emily off to see the monkeys, I managed to doze off under a tree in the park for about 30 mins, what a luxury!

The afternoon was topped off with a trip to the Village Bakery (highly recommend), a swim in the pool and a bit of lawn footy with the kiddies.

Hopefully we will actual managed to get some MTB action in tomorrow so best get off to bed so we have some hope of getting to the tracks before it gets too hot.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're having a great time and Lachie recovers soon, its great he's ambitious in the playground!
